Holiday courses in Mallorca

Københavns Sejlerskole (Copenhagen Sailing School) has been offering beginner (Duelighedsbevis) and advanced courses in the Mediterranean for 20 years.

Sailing gives you a sense of independence and freedom and opportunity to seek out exactly the places you want to see and experience. Many of the greatest experiences of nature, is best achieved by sea.

The Balearic Islands, Mallorca is a wonderful sailing area where the sun shines warmly from April to October. Here we find opportunity to visit the mountain encircled cala’s (coves), unspoiled coastline and good functioning marinas.The boats are modern charter boats around 36-40 feet.

Tag dit Duelighedsbevis under sydenssol.
Learn to sail under the warm Mediterranean sun.

Beginner course (Duelighedsbevis)

The beginner course has the same content as our courses in Denmark, read more (in Danish). The tours are designed so that every day we teach navigation and sailing, but there is also time for relaxation and for visiting the country side. One day is completely lesson-free. Examinations will be held when back in Denmark.

Before departure we will hold an information meeting.

Advanced course

Although you have taken a beginners course there may be good reason to continue training. If you have to be a skipper on a medium-sized rented boat – for example in the Mediterranean – now you have the opportunity to gain further experience in this area. Most responsible sailers will be concerned about having to skipper a 40-foot sailboat in the Mediterranean, with responsibility for others. Københavns Sejlerskole (Copenhagen Sailing School) now offers a week-course where you get practical experience sailing around as skipper. During the course we review the entire process concerning boats charters, including arrival procedures, boat examination and of course we will sail a lot. One day is completely lesson-free.

You get experience in planning trips and taking into account the weather, the use of maps and books and you also get experience in anchoring and docking. You’re with other like-minded people throughout the week and under the guidance of an experienced instructor.The goal is that after this course you will feel confident enough to sail as skipper with friends and family.

Before departure we will hold an information meeting.


Undervisningen foregår løbende på turen.
Lessons are taught during the trip. 

There is no exam for the advanced course. For the beginner course exams are held after returning to Denmark. Read more about the exams here (in Danish).


All courses are DKK 9.500,-

Prices are exclusive of diet. Each pays DDK 900,- this amount pays fees at ports, consumption of fuel and food onboard or at a restaurant. Drinks are not included in the DKK 900,-

On all courses you stay the entire week aboard. Price includes sailing school, teaching materials, boat rentals and bed linen.

The price is exclusive of exam fees and plane tickets.


You get a course date, a location and a date, and must then personally be responsible for plane tickets and transfers. We do not book flights due to registrations for the courses being scattered throughout the season, making it much simpler for each to arrange for their own tickets.

Waiting list

Beside all sold-out courses the link “Venteliste” is shown. The waiting list is based on a first-com-first-serve basis. If you choose to subscribe, the time and date is recorded. If a place comes available the first on the waiting list is offered the place. Each subscription to the waiting list only applies to the individual course.

If you want to subscribe to the waiting list for a course, make a note of the course number (to the left in the table), click on the link “Venteliste” and fill in the fields on the next page.

Course list

Click the start date for more information about the course. Please read the information about the course. Click “Tilmed” to put the course in your shopping cart.

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